7 hrs agoLiked by Terry White

The problem is most of the city council failed to read their job description as they accepted the position. Frey may not be everyone's favorite city official but at least he is trying to run the city. Our city council would rather try to fix the world than help manage our city. Granted they would not mind mico-managing the bits they find inconsistent with their own goals but then again that would not be their job. Frey should have known that publicly calling out the council would only create a bigger divide but the council needs to grow up and start looking at what is not working in their back yard instead of someone else's. Good intentions are not enough, sometimes tough love and restraint is the correct course of action. Unfortunately we the voters are gravitating to to those with the best intentions rather than those with a realistic view of what is practical and possible.

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Well said, thanks for adding to the conversation.

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7 hrs agoLiked by Terry White

Are there term limits on city council members?

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I have a strong gut feeling -- confirmed by nobody -- that at least two current CMs are seriously considering running against Mayor Frey in 13 short months (and sooner of course). So I think we're in for at least another year of electoral political football downtown -- and among/between each team's allied groups and coalitions. It COULD have a + effect on governance if the warring sides sharpen each other's viewpoints, but let's be serious. More likely we're in for a year of one or both sides stalling out troublesome issues so they can pin it on the other. Why stop now? ``Average citizens'' simply must keep score of this for when November comes.

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I've heard Omar Fateh is considering a run too. It might be a crowded race.

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Give me a break! The commercial real estate bubble burst never had to happen. Overbuilding and overcharging is just plain dumb. Guess who at City Hall is deep in the pockets of developers????? Why aren't City employees at their desks, earning their hard-earned paychecks? Someone wants a raise because college tuition is expensive. That's not how it works, my friend. If you don't like the salary associated with your job, there's another one down the street that pays more. Go get it. A balanced budget at the City level isn't just a nice thing to think about -- it's essential. I agree with Terry...a 3% across-the-board cut is the way to go. Individuals simply cannot absorb property tax and county tax increases like the ones proposed. This is going to cost our leadership at the polls next year. The mayor isn't a king; we have checks and balances called a City Council. Work together or you'll be out of a job, even when the mayor's budget people aren't consulted. Poor excuse for opposing a good thing.

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10 hrs agoLiked by Terry White

Call me crazy, but I would think even socialists need to understand budgeting.....

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You might be crazy. Our DSA council members have no training or understanding of budgets and finance.

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